Many thanks to the wonderful volunteers who gave up their time yet again to ensure that the River race tradition at Annan continues. Sadly, we did not manage to run the River route due to dangerous underfoot conditions with the series of storms in February but the course was testing enough for everyone on a very, very windy day.

Well done to all of our competitors. The results are below.

Under 9 Boys (800m)

1st Brody Richardson U/A 4.27minutes

2nd Woody Mechan U/A 4.32minutes

3rd Cullen Wotherspoon ADAC 5.02minutes

4th Roan Jamieson U/A 5.07minutes

Under 9 Girls (800m)

1st Izzy Barbour U/A 4.28minutes

2nd Sian Vickers ADAC 4.53 minutes

3rd Scarlet Bell U/A 4.532minutes

4th Abigail Thorburn ADAC 5.14minutes

5th Ellen MacCormack U/A 5.38minutes

Under 11 boys (1500m)

1st Bruce MacCormack NAC 7.20minutes

2nd Alex Bell ADAC 7.26minutes

3rd Zach Barbour SAC 7.47minutes

4th Cooper Mechan U/A 8.15minutes

Under 11 Girls (1500m)

1st Isla Cameron U/A 7.42minutes

2nd Olivia Inglis Law and District 7.44minutes

3rd Eilidh Cameron U/A 8.17minutes

4th Sophie Newton Law and District 8.20minutes

5th Liesl Cable ADAC 8.21minutes

6th Freya Whitton Law and District 8.35minutes

7th Carly Black U/A 8.49minutes

8th Cora Beattie Law and District 9.12minutes

9th Patrycja Plata NAC 11minutes

Under 13 boys (2300m)

1st Ryan Kellock Law and District 11.01minutes

2nd Cameron Robertson NAC 11.14minutes

3rd Daniel Simpson Law and District 11.21minutes

4th C. Thompson ADAC 11.35minutes

5th Finlay Scott ADAC 11.41minutes

6th Kyran Wotherspoon ADAC 12.12minutes

7th Glen Jamieson T /Harriers 12.42minutes

Under 13 girls (2300m)

1st Jessica Inglis Law and District 11.43minutes

2nd Joscelyn Kennedy Law and District 11.431minutes

3rd Kate Thomson NAC 12.17minutes

4th Freya Blaikie ADAC 12.33minutes

5th Grace Thorburn ADAC 12.48minutes

6th Rachel Stevenson Law and District 12.59minutes

7th Phoebe Thorburn ADAC 13.57minutes

8th Isabella Robertson NAC 14.06minutes

Under 15 Boys (3000m)

1st Oscar Logan Law and District 13.03minutes

2nd Logan White Law and District 13.57minutes

3rd Alasdair Thomson NAC 14.43minutes

4th Angus MacCormick NAC 15.21minutes

Under 15 Girls (3000m)

1st Iona Jamieson Teviotdale Harriers 15.04minutes

2nd Ellie Byers ADAC 16.38minutes

Under 17 Boys (6400m)

1st Levi Milligan Law and District 29.28minutes

2nd Finn Milligan Law and District 32.05minutes

3rd Duncan Smith ADAC 32.56minutes

Senior Men and Masters Men (6400m)

1st Ryan Milligan Teviotdale Harriers senior 26.54minutes

2nd Alan Baxter DRC M40 27.35minutes

3rd Matthew Gillon Law and District senior 28.25minutes

4th Neil Richardson ADAC senior 29.41minutes

5th Joe Boardman ADAC M50 30.15minutes

6th Norman Johnstone ADAC M50 30.42minutes

7th Richard Beattie Law and District senior 32.35minutes

8th Mark Milligan Law and District M45 33.38minutes

9th Stuart Bell ADAC senior 34.58minutes

10th Stuart Robertson U/A M40 36.21minutes

Senior Women and Masters Women (6400m)

1st Fiona Todd Border Harriers W45 30.50minutes

2nd Marie Marshall ADAC senior 31.15minutes

3rd Rowane Glendinning ADAC senior 38.38minutes

4th Wendy Gass ADAC W45 41.38minutes

5th = Karen Gatehouse ADAC W50 47.10minutes

5th= Kelly Mossop ADAC senior 47.10minutes

5th = Fiona Latimer ADAC W45 47.10minutes


Under 11 girls

Gold - Law and District (Olivia Inglis,Sophie Newton,Freya Whitton)

Under 13 Boys

Gold -Annan and District (C.Thompson,Finlay Scott,Kyran Wotherspoon)

Under 13 Girls

Gold - Law and District (Jessica Inglis,Joscelyn Kennedy,Rachel Stevenson)

Silver – Annan and District ( Freya Blaikie,Grace Thorburn,Phoebe Thorburn)

Senior /Masters Men

Gold – Annan and District AC (Neil Richardson,Joe Boardman,Norman Johnstone)

Silver – Law and District AC (Matthew Gillon,Richard Beattie,Mark Milligan)

Senior Women

Gold -Annan and District AC (Marie Marshall,Rowane Glendinning,Kelly Mossop)

Silver -ADAC 2 (Wendy Gass,Karen Gatehouse,Fiona Latimer)

Dumfries and Galloway Championship

Under 9 Boys

1st Brody Richardson U/A  2nd Woody Mechan U/A 3rd Cullen Wotherspoon ADAC

Under 9 Girls

1st Izzy Barbour U/A 2nd Sian Vickers ADAC 3rd Scarlet Bell U/A

Under 11 Boys

1st Bruce Mac Cormick NAC 2nd Alex Bell ADAC 3rd Zach Barbour SAC

Under 11 Girls

1st Liesl Cable ADAC 2nd Carly Black U/A 3rd Patrycja Plata NAC

Under 13 Boys

1st Cameron Robertson NAC 2nd C.Thompson ADAC  3rd Finlay Scott ADAC

Under 13 Girls

1st Kate Thomson NAC 2nd Freya Blaikie ADAC 3rd Grace Thorburn ADAC

Under 15 boys

1st Alasdair Thomson NAC 2nd Angus MacCormick NAC

Under 15 Girls

1st Iona Jamieson Teviotdale Harriers 2nd Ellie Byers ADAC

Under 17 Boys

1st Duncan Smith ADAC

Senior Men

1st Ryan Milligan Teviotdale Harriers 2nd Neil Richardson ADAC 3rd Stuart Bell ADAC

Senior Women

1st Marie Marshall ADAC 2nd Rowane Glendinning ADAC 3rd Kelly Mossop ADAC

Masters Men

1st Alan Baxter DRC 2nd Joe Boardman ADAC 3rd Norman Johnstone ADAC

Masters Women

1st Wendy Gass ADAC  2nd = Karen Gatehouse ADAC  2nd= Fiona Latimer ADAC

Pictures will follow.



Congratulations to all of those athletes who took part in the River races on a fine , dry day down at the Everholm. A big thank you to all those who helped in any way to make the day a success. An event like this just does not happen without the volunteers who give their time freely. Many thanks also to our friends who provided coastguard support on the day and ensured the safety of all of our athletes taking part and a big thank you to Mhairi and Jim and a superb organising team who kept the order of events running smoothly. Pictures will appear on our website later in the week. Click on the links to view the results.





Another very successful event took place on Sunday 19th Feb. down at the Everholm. Many thanks to all those who competed and helped organise the event both on the day and in the run up to the event. Without these volunteers we would not have races. Here are the results and prize winners.



D&G and team results








               SUNDAY 21st February 2016

The annual River Races took place on a different course this year due to ground conditions and potential flooding from tidal conditions. The course , however proved to be a tough but enjoyable event for all who took part. Results can be found by clicking on the link below.

ADAC would like to thank all of those who helped prior to the event and on the day either by taking part or helping with entries, marshalling duties or general organisation in what proved to be a smoothly run event.





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